About Us
Our Partners - Bahir Dar University
Bahir Dar University (BDU) is one of Ethiopia's leading Universities. It is located in the north-western Ethiopian highlands by the beautiful Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile. Its mission is to become one of ten premier research universities in Africa by 2025. The University is recognized for its quality education, research and outreach activities.
BDU is also one of the largest universities in Ethiopia, with more than 4 colleges, 3 institutes, 3 faculties and one school. The academic units of the University include the College of Science, the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, the College of Medical and Health Sciences, the College of Business and Economics, the Institute of Technology, the Institute of Textile, Garment and Fashion Design, the Institute of Land Administration, the Blue Nile Water Institute, the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Education and Behavioral Sciences, the School of Law and the Ethiopian Maritime Training Institute (EMTI).
For additional information about BDU, please visit www.bdu.edu.et.
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